Well here I go, head first again. “Flying by the seat of my pants”, as my wife would say. I have been thinking of writing a blog for a while now, but I really did not know if I had anything relevant to say. As a result, it always stayed on the back burner and never got started.
I guess this is it - and now is the time - I honestly do not know what direction this whole thing will take. It may be a photographic journal. It may be a teaching aid for some or just be a few stories from my photographic journeys over the years. The one thing I do know, is that it will be photography based. After all, it seems from a very early age, photography has been a part of my life. I don’t think I am as passionate about photography as some people, but in one form or another it has always been there in the background. I am hoping that as this blog gets going, it will take on a life and direction of its own.
When I was 16-years-old, I had just left school and started my first job - working for the Commodore Banqueting Rooms in Nottingham England. My job included helping with outside catering events or indoor catering events such as dances, weddings and parties etc. During some of the evening or week-end events, I would be there when the event photographers would arrive. I believe that might have been the first time I took an interest in buying a camera. I got to know the photographers quite well. It was Jock Thorburn and Dennis Philips or Pip as most people knew him. Their company was called Thorburn and Philips. Little did I know, our paths would cross many times in the future.
On a weekend, I would very often go downtown Nottingham to Jessop’s, a store with a photographic equipment display in one of the main windows. I would drool over the cameras. Of course, at 16-years-old, I could not afford to buy one and I was under age for financing. That is where my father came into the picture. I pestered the poor man, until he eventually agreed to sign the finance agreement to purchase the camera with the understanding I pay him back.
I was now the very proud owner of a Praktica Super TL. The hair on the back of my neck just stood up. Just as it did back then with the anticipation of my first images.
These first two images were taken in 1972 with my Praktica Super TL on slide film, which was most probably Fuji Velvia.
In 1972, I changed careers and joined forces with my father, a Dental Technician. We rented a space on Arkwright Street in downtown Nottingham and opened our own business. I was thrilled to discover, the third floor of the building was rented to Thorburn and Philips Photographers. I would spend hours watching Pip develop and print all his commercial photographs. He would answer all my very basic and sometimes stupid questions. You know, there was something really cool about being in the darkroom with just the very dim orange safe lights on.
I remember him taking the films out of his cameras and lowering them straight down into huge, refurbished submarine battery tanks full of chemicals. Once developed, he would hang the strips of film to dry on a string of wires attached to the ceiling. While he was hanging the film, I would go down the row with my head tilted sideways looking at all the different shots.
Sometime in the early 1980’s, I changed from my trusty old Practika to Canon cameras and lenses. I now had a new hobby and it required a different sort of photography. Although I was still only an amateur, photography was exciting and I was looking for ways to develop my skills. My new hobby was Herpetology, which is the study of reptiles and amphibians. I found myself on many field trips, often out in the wilderness and at local zoos. I was usually in or behind the exhibits, taking lots of images of reptiles and things.
By now, I was using very slow slide film and close-up lenses, ring flashes and nearly always a tripod. In fact, even today when I go out shooting, I feel lost without my tripod.
The following reptile images were taken in the early 1980s with my Canon T90 camera. My preferred choice of film at that time, was Kodachrome 64 slide.
(Top Image): A young Adder, which is the only venimous snake in the UK. (Left Image:) A Slow Worm. While it looks like a snake, is actually a legless lizard. Its limbs having disappeared in its evolution.
I really enjoyed those times. I had lots of great experiences - sometimes very scary ones - when we photographed poisonous snakes or nasty monitors. We even photographed crocodiles once - I still have the well earned scars to show for it.
In 1990, my wife and I emigrated to Newfoundland Canada with our three children. We started a small Hotel business and although I don’t take as many pictures now as I did in the UK, photography is still something that is always on my mind. I converted to digital photography in 1993. While reluctant, I could see it was the way of the future. Now I can't imagine doing any other sort of photography. What at first seemed like more of a point and shoot type of photography, has become by far the most challenging and rewarding type of photography I have ever done.
The next two images were taken in the early 1990's with a Canon 10D - My first Digital SLR.
My latest photography passion is lighting techniques. As always, I have thrown myself into it and I'm really enjoying it. I honestly think, I am bordering on being a “Gear Head”. I always seem to be buying some new piece of photographic equipment. I hope to be able to post some interesting lighting techniques here soon.
Well I guess that wasn’t so bad was it? If you're still reading and still awake, you now know how I got to where I am now. You know, not much has changed really. Yes, I am using different equipment, but one thing has stayed the same. When I take an image and look at that captured moment on the screen, its still the same “WOW” feeling that I saw when the slides came back from Kodak and I looked at them for the first time on the light box. If that is how you feel when you see your images, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. Right?
So...if this blog does grow, hopefully I can talk about how we can get the very best out of that feeling together.
The new blog is fantastic. I love it! I already knew about your reptile photography past, but it was really great to read about Jock and Pip. especially when, my interest in photography developed from watching you.
Happy Blogging.
I am so happy that you've decided to make the leap into the wonderful world of blogging! It was fantastic to read your story. You have an exceptional ability for writing and photography and I think you will find this blog to be an excellent creative outlet for both!
Look forward to seeing & reading more, and hopefully a coffee or two in the near future.
Trevor I was so pleased when I saw your comment. Like I said I am not sure which direction the blog will go in. But I am looking forward to future ones.
As for a coffee or two in the future - For Sure.
Emma I remember you and your sister Kara being on some of the field trips when we were out looking for snakes and lizards to photograph. I could blog about some of those experiences. HA HA
It is a real shame you never met Pip because with your interest in photography you would have liked him. In a funny sort of way with you doing photography proffesionaly it has sort of gone full circle. Hmmmmm !!
Thanks for the encouragment with the blog - I am looking forward to doing my next one.
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